Eat Healthier And Lose Weight While Waiting To Conceive


If you and your partner have been trying to conceive, but it has been to no avail, meeting with an infertility specialist and following their advice is of utmost importance during this trying time. If your doctor feels that your unhealthy eating habits and excessive weight gain may be contributing to the issue at hand, the following tips will help you regain control of your current situation so that your odds of conceiving will increase and you will be healthy when the time comes to raise a child.

Use Meal Planning Techniques And Meet with A Dietician

Before drastically changing your diet, check with your doctor to make sure that the caloric intake that you are considering and the types of foods that you will be substituting will be beneficial to your health and weight loss goals. Purchase a meal planning kit that teaches you how to prepare delicious meals that are packed with nutrients and vitamins that your body needs.

If you are not good at preparing meals, you can order pre-packaged meals from a supplier and heat them up in the comfort of your home or you can meet with a dietician to receive advice on some easy ways to make nutritious and filling dishes. 

Join A Gym With A Friend

Ask a friend if they would like to sign up for a membership at a local gym and join you during the sessions that you participate in. A close friend will help keep you motivated while you are attempting to get into shape. Practice low-impact exercises when beginning and gradually move onto more difficult exercises. Stay in close contact with the infertility specialist to alert them of the progress that you are making and to make alterations to your exercise habits if they feel that you are pushing yourself too hard or not remaining active enough. 

Keep A Journal And Share Thoughts And Questions With Your Medical Provider

You may not always feel optimistic while waiting to conceive, and you may not even feel as if you will ever be able to have a child of your own. These thoughts are not necessarily true, and you should not keep them bottled up. Instead, write in a journal about the confusion and uncertainty that you may be experiencing.

Also, write down the positive thoughts that you experience, including how much better you feel and look since you have decided to change your diet and exercise routine. Include a list of questions that you have for your doctor. Share information that you have written in your journal with your fertility specialist during your next appointment.

For more information, contact a business such as Women's Care Inc.


8 June 2017

Early Menopause: What Do You Need to Know?

Menopause took me by surprise. I thought only women in their 50s and 60s went through it, but I was in my late 30s when I entered this stage in my life. After talking to my OB/GYN, I discovered that my mother's early menopause played a major role in why I started so early. It was challenging to unexpectedly find myself dealing with the emotional and physical aspects of menopause. I soon discovered that I was not alone. There are many other women who started menopause at an early age and they were just as nervous as I was. I started this blog to give voice to those women and to provide emotional support.