Tips To Help Lose Weight And Keep If Off


Getting your weight under control can be one of the most difficult things to do. This is especially true when your body is working against you. If you have a thyroid problem for instance, or you are battling with menopause, it can be difficult to lose weight. If you have other medical issues, it can also be difficult, but just in general, as you age it can be difficult to lose weight.

11 February 2021

If Your Doctor Thinks You Have Endometriosis, This Is How They'll Find Out


Endometriosis is a benign but debilitating condition for women all over the world. The condition causes the growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus and can cause severe pain, cramps, bloating, and excessive bleeding, in some cases. If your doctor suspects that you may have this condition, this is what they may need to do in order to find out. Pelvic Exam Endometriosis rarely develops in the vaginal canal, but your doctor may want to perform a standard women's pelvic exam to be sure.

24 August 2020

3 Questions You May Have About Postpartum Depression


Bringing a baby into the world can be a physically overwhelming experience. From weight gain and changes in your body's shape to the physical effects of a vaginal or cesarean delivery, it is easy to see how pregnancy and delivery can affect your body. Most women are surprised by how carrying and delivering a baby can affect their emotional health, too. Although most experience some baby blues and hormonal changes, some women develop a more involved form of depression.

6 August 2019

Heading Off To College? 4 Health Screenings You Should Get First


If you're going to be heading off to college soon, you're probably thinking about all the plans you need to make. You might not be thinking about your health: specifically, the health screenings you need to have before you go. Unfortunately, that could put you behind on the preventative health care routine that you're going to need. Scheduling an appointment with your doctor before you leave for college will make sure you start off on the right foot.

14 September 2018

Tips For Women Who Have Heavy Periods


If you have a very heavy period, you know that handling the pain and flow can be quite a challenge.Fortunately, there are some things you can to do maintain your health (and your sanity) when you have a heavy period. These tips can help you make the best of things.  1. Use a menstrual cup instead of typical pads or tampons.  Are you tired of going through feminine hygiene products as if they were no stronger than a flimsy piece of toilet paper?

13 July 2017

Seven Things You Should Always Tell Your Gynecologist


Withholding certain aspects of your personal life from your gynecologist can be tempting -- after all, gynecology deals with the most intimate aspect of your life, and it can be difficult to tell a medical professional things that you wouldn't even tell your best friend. However, withholding information from your gynecologist may have serious health consequences. Following are seven things that you should never keep from your gynecologist.  You Have Multiple Partners 

5 July 2017

3 Reasons An IUD Might Be Right For You


Birth control is an important part of reproductive health and for some women, it is vital to reduce severe symptoms associated with their menstrual cycle. If you are in the process of considering the right form of birth control, the intrauterine device (IUD) might be right for you. You Need Convenient Birth Control One of the most common forms of birth control, pills, is often a daily nuisance for women. You must remember to take your pill at the same time each day and if you forget, you will need to use backup methods to prevent an unintended pregnancy.

24 June 2017